Pernak-pernik Olimpiade Beijing 2008 : The Torch (Obor)

Obor Olimpiade Beijing 2008

Obor Olimpiade Beijing 2008 diperkenalkan pada 26 April 2007
Obor Olimpiade Beijing 2008 menunjukkan karakteristik China yang kuat, penutupnya dengan desain ukiran China yang dibuat dengan teknik khusus. Tinggi obor adalah 72cm, berat 985 gram dan kemampuan menyala selama 15 menit. Obor diproduksi agar dapat bertahan dengan kecepatan angin 65km/jam dan tetap menyala walau diterpa hujan 50mm/jam (cukup deras). Obor terbuat dari alumunium dengan bahan bakar propane yang ramah lingkungan.

A general view of the torch
Obor Olimpiade Beijing 2008

Torch Logo
Logo Obor

Graphic Relay

The torch stand
Dudukan obor

Lower part
Bagian bawah

Upper part
Bagian atas

The middle part
Bagian tengah

The obverse side
Obor tampak depan

The Olympic cauldron
Kalderon Olimpiade tempat api abadi menyala selama acara berlangsung

Torch Convoy
Sketsa konvoi obor

Torch Aircraft
Pesawat yang digunakan obor untuk perjalanan udara

Torch Banner
Banner yang dipasang ketika obor melintas

Torch Banner
Banner yang dipasang ketika obor melintas

These are Olympic 2008 Beijing Spirit

The Torch

The Beijing Olympic Torch has already been launched on April 26, 2007.

The Beijing Olympic Torch boasts strong Chinese characteristics, and showcases Chinese design and technical capabilities. The torch is 72 centimetres high, weighs 985 grams and can keep burning for approximately 15 minutes. The torch has been produced to withstand winds of up to 65 kilometres per hour and to stay alight in heavy rain up to 50mm an hour.

In a windless environment the flame is 25 to 30 centimetres high, and it can be identified in sunshine and areas of extreme brightness to satisfy the requirements of capturing photographic images and video footage. The torch is made of aluminium and of a curved surface form, with etching and anodising being used during its production. The fuel is propane which is environmentally friendly.