Lho…kok ga bisa ngeprint???
Duh windows-ku lagi ngawur.
Aku mencurigai adanya virus.
Abisan kemaren, flashdisk kakakku bervirus
Dicolokin ke laptopku
Aku bersihin pake AVG dan PCMAV
Ditemukan dan di-heal
Eh…. Malah printer driver-ku ilang semua.
Duh mana kerjaan banyak nyak nyak nyak……
Mana harus buat pdf pake aplikasi dopdf
Coba add printer.
Eh… malah dikasi peringatan
"Operation could not be completed. The print spooler service is not running."
Ya ampun...
Apa pula ini???
Aku coba bersihin registry pake Advance Windows Care 2
Mang banyak registry rusak
Lalu di-repair
Ah… ternyata belum menyelesaikan masalah
Coba pake C-cleaner
Sama aja…
Belum mecahin masalah
Aku mencoba me-restore system
Pake default windows… gagal
Pake Advance Windows Care 2…. Gagal juga
Gagal maning…
Gagal maning…
Cari cara di internet ahhh…
Duh ni jaringan lelet amat
Menambah persoalan baru lagi.
Walau lelet, muncul juga jawaban seperti ini dari :
System Restore Not Functioning
If you are running Windows XP Home and after going thru the System Restore process, a message stating "Cannot restore the computer to an earlier restore point, no changes have been made to your computer" pops up, try the procedure listed below to restore its functionality.
Right click [My Computer] [Properties] then click on System Restore tab.
Put a check in the box for Disable Restore on all drives.
Click apply, then Reboot your PC.
After the system reboots, navigate to the System Restore tab and turn it back on.
Click apply.
Navigate to [System Tools] [Restore...] and choose [Create a Restore Point]
Provide a name for the new restore point.
Try and restore the new point just created. It should work properly.
Terus cari lagi di net :
Print spooler
Ketemu di :
How do I fix this: Print spooler service is not running?
Dah ditunggu 30 menit
Ga muncul-muncul
Dasar jaringan lelet
Ah muncul di menit ke 31
Ampuuuun lamanya neh jaringan
Kucari postingan yg membahas masalahku
Di posting oleh Jorgan G
Ini postingannya :
Ok if anyone cannot print or install a printer because it says The print spooler service is not running then follow these easy steps to get the service running
start>control panel>administrative Tools>Services>scroll down to print spooler>right click it>click properties>make sure you are on the general tab>go down to startup type and make sure its on automatic>then hit apply>then click the start button under the service status>apply again>hit OK. now exit all of the services and administrative tools and go to where your printer and faxes are located and now try to install a printer or try to print.
Hoped i Helped
Kucoba …
Description-nya kok tulisan begini •þÎñÃèÊö
Pake boso tarzan kaleeee
Muncul semua driver printer-ku
Hari dah jam 11 malam
Mata dah ngantuk.
Tidur dulu ah.
Dapet 1 ilmu lagi
Dari hutan rimba windows
Dari hutan rimba dunia maya
Terima kasih semua…
Dalam postingan diskusi di :
seperti tersebut di atas, ternyata ada beberapa peserta diskusi yang mempunyai pikiran yang sama denganku yaitu bahwa penyebab print spool gagal adalah karena virus.
does anyone know what would cause this in the first place? Is there a virus that goes around disabling print services?
Ah...virus makin banyak
Antivirus juga banyak
Tapi tidak ada 1 pun antivirus yang bisa menyelesaikan seluruh masalah.
Makanya aku selalu memakai minimal 2 antivirus dan beberapa program utilities.
Hal ini kulakukan agar laptopku bisa terjaga kebugarannya.
Harus dirawat dan diberi makan sayur dan dikasi minum susu.
Mulai deh ngawurnya.
Kalo mo lihat rangking antivirus silahkan klik
Duh windows-ku lagi ngawur.
Aku mencurigai adanya virus.
Abisan kemaren, flashdisk kakakku bervirus
Dicolokin ke laptopku
Aku bersihin pake AVG dan PCMAV
Ditemukan dan di-heal
Eh…. Malah printer driver-ku ilang semua.
Duh mana kerjaan banyak nyak nyak nyak……
Mana harus buat pdf pake aplikasi dopdf
Coba add printer.
Eh… malah dikasi peringatan
"Operation could not be completed. The print spooler service is not running."
Ya ampun...
Apa pula ini???
Aku coba bersihin registry pake Advance Windows Care 2
Mang banyak registry rusak
Lalu di-repair
Ah… ternyata belum menyelesaikan masalah
Coba pake C-cleaner
Sama aja…
Belum mecahin masalah
Aku mencoba me-restore system
Pake default windows… gagal
Pake Advance Windows Care 2…. Gagal juga
Gagal maning…
Gagal maning…
Cari cara di internet ahhh…
Duh ni jaringan lelet amat
Menambah persoalan baru lagi.
Walau lelet, muncul juga jawaban seperti ini dari :
System Restore Not Functioning
If you are running Windows XP Home and after going thru the System Restore process, a message stating "Cannot restore the computer to an earlier restore point, no changes have been made to your computer" pops up, try the procedure listed below to restore its functionality.
Right click [My Computer] [Properties] then click on System Restore tab.
Put a check in the box for Disable Restore on all drives.
Click apply, then Reboot your PC.
After the system reboots, navigate to the System Restore tab and turn it back on.
Click apply.
Navigate to [System Tools] [Restore...] and choose [Create a Restore Point]
Provide a name for the new restore point.
Try and restore the new point just created. It should work properly.
Terus cari lagi di net :
Print spooler
Ketemu di :
How do I fix this: Print spooler service is not running?
Dah ditunggu 30 menit
Ga muncul-muncul
Dasar jaringan lelet
Ah muncul di menit ke 31
Ampuuuun lamanya neh jaringan
Kucari postingan yg membahas masalahku
Di posting oleh Jorgan G
Ini postingannya :
Ok if anyone cannot print or install a printer because it says The print spooler service is not running then follow these easy steps to get the service running
start>control panel>administrative Tools>Services>scroll down to print spooler>right click it>click properties>make sure you are on the general tab>go down to startup type and make sure its on automatic>then hit apply>then click the start button under the service status>apply again>hit OK. now exit all of the services and administrative tools and go to where your printer and faxes are located and now try to install a printer or try to print.
Hoped i Helped
Kucoba …
Description-nya kok tulisan begini •þÎñÃèÊö
Pake boso tarzan kaleeee
Muncul semua driver printer-ku
Hari dah jam 11 malam
Mata dah ngantuk.
Tidur dulu ah.
Dapet 1 ilmu lagi
Dari hutan rimba windows
Dari hutan rimba dunia maya
Terima kasih semua…
Dalam postingan diskusi di :
seperti tersebut di atas, ternyata ada beberapa peserta diskusi yang mempunyai pikiran yang sama denganku yaitu bahwa penyebab print spool gagal adalah karena virus.
does anyone know what would cause this in the first place? Is there a virus that goes around disabling print services?
Ah...virus makin banyak
Antivirus juga banyak
Tapi tidak ada 1 pun antivirus yang bisa menyelesaikan seluruh masalah.
Makanya aku selalu memakai minimal 2 antivirus dan beberapa program utilities.
Hal ini kulakukan agar laptopku bisa terjaga kebugarannya.
Harus dirawat dan diberi makan sayur dan dikasi minum susu.
Mulai deh ngawurnya.
Kalo mo lihat rangking antivirus silahkan klik