Busyet dah ah
Baru dapet peer, sekarang ketiban peer lagi.
Nih yang ngasih My Sis Fatamorgana
Harus terpaksa byuruan dikerjakan.
Gubraaak adoooh
(Sori, aku baru jatuh karena terburu-buru)
Peer ini akan dikerjakan, tapi ga akan diteruskan ke blogger lain karena mengingat kesibukan mereka.
Bagi blogger yang mau ikutan ngerjakan/kebagian peer ini, silahkan mendaftar.
GRATIS tis tis tis...
Ini peer dan jawabanku :
*How old is your mother?
Lahir bulan Novermber 1933 (dah berapa taon tuh)
*What do you call your mother?
*How is your relationship with your mother?
Very close. 3E = Emak emang everything.
*Does she have another children other than you?
yup... aku plus lima sodaraku
*Is she a good cooker?
Of course. Semua masakannya uennak tenan. Mak Nyus...
*Where was she raised?
Tanjung Pinang - Kepulauan Riau
*Do you love your mother?
Very much…she is the best mom I’ve ever had. (karena cuma the only one)
*When was the last time you saw your mother?
Everyday. Wong, tinggal sebelah rumah kok.
*What is her favorite TV show?
Berita Riau di RiauTV
*What is your mother favorite restaurant?
Tidak ada. Emak lebih menyukai masakannya sendiri.
*Does your mother work?
She is a housewife alias IRT (bukan ibu rumah tetangga lhooo)
*What kind of music does she like?
Lagu Melayu
*What is your mother’s favorite store?
Nothing. Emakku jarang shopping.
*Does she know who britney spears is?
Emak ga tau.
*What is her favorite color?
*Where is your mother right now?
Di rumah dong. Biasanya lagi berbaring-baring.
*What did you give your mother for mother’s day?
Nothing. Yang penting anak-anaknya datang ngeliat/menjenguk.
*Your mother is..my mother. Emak adalah emak.
Baru dapet peer, sekarang ketiban peer lagi.
Nih yang ngasih My Sis Fatamorgana
Harus terpaksa byuruan dikerjakan.
Gubraaak adoooh
(Sori, aku baru jatuh karena terburu-buru)
Peer ini akan dikerjakan, tapi ga akan diteruskan ke blogger lain karena mengingat kesibukan mereka.
Bagi blogger yang mau ikutan ngerjakan/kebagian peer ini, silahkan mendaftar.
GRATIS tis tis tis...
Ini peer dan jawabanku :
*How old is your mother?
Lahir bulan Novermber 1933 (dah berapa taon tuh)
*What do you call your mother?
*How is your relationship with your mother?
Very close. 3E = Emak emang everything.
*Does she have another children other than you?
yup... aku plus lima sodaraku
*Is she a good cooker?
Of course. Semua masakannya uennak tenan. Mak Nyus...
*Where was she raised?
Tanjung Pinang - Kepulauan Riau
*Do you love your mother?
Very much…she is the best mom I’ve ever had. (karena cuma the only one)
*When was the last time you saw your mother?
Everyday. Wong, tinggal sebelah rumah kok.
*What is her favorite TV show?
Berita Riau di RiauTV
*What is your mother favorite restaurant?
Tidak ada. Emak lebih menyukai masakannya sendiri.
*Does your mother work?
She is a housewife alias IRT (bukan ibu rumah tetangga lhooo)
*What kind of music does she like?
Lagu Melayu
*What is your mother’s favorite store?
Nothing. Emakku jarang shopping.
*Does she know who britney spears is?
Emak ga tau.
*What is her favorite color?
*Where is your mother right now?
Di rumah dong. Biasanya lagi berbaring-baring.
*What did you give your mother for mother’s day?
Nothing. Yang penting anak-anaknya datang ngeliat/menjenguk.
*Your mother is..my mother. Emak adalah emak.