James Cameron telah melakukan penyelaman laut terdalam tanggal 26 Maret 2012, yang muncul kembali ke permukaan laut pada jam 10.00 pm waktu setempat. Lokasi penyelaman berada di The Pacific Ocean’s Mariana Trench (Ceruk/Parit Mariana di Samudra Pasifik). Terletak di bagian barat Pacific atau arah timur dari Philipina. Berjarak sekitar 124 mil (200 km) dari pulau Mariana (Mariana Islands). Mariana Trench merupakan dasar laut berbentuk kerucut dengan panjang 1,500 miles (2,550 kilometers) dan lebar 43 miles (69 kilometers). Kedalaman dari permukaan laut ke titik terdalamnya diperkirakan 7 mil atau sekitar 11 kilometer. James Cameron tepatnya menyelam sedalam 10,898.4 meter (35,756 ft).
Lokasi dan kedalaman Mariana Trench pertama kali dipublikasikan oleh sebuah kapal peneliti oseanographi Inggris bernama H.M.S. Challenger di tahun 1875. Pertama H.M.S. Challenger mengukur kedalaman Mariana Trench dengan peralatan Sounding-Rope dengan ukuran sekitar 4,475 fathoms (sekitar 5 mil atau 8 kilometer).
Penelitian kedalaman Mariana Trench dilakukan ulang oleh penerus kapal pertama yaitu H.M.S. Challenger II. Pengukuran dilakukan pada tahun 1951 dan menghasilkan kedalaman Mariana Trench sekitar 7 mil atau sekitar 11 kilometer.
Mariana Trench berada dalam pengawasan pemerintah AS dan dijadikan sebuah monumen nasional (Marianas Trench Marine National Monument) berdasarkan ketetapan Presiden Amerika Serikat George W. Bush tahun 2009.
Penyelaman Laut Terdalam
Penyelaman Laut Dalam pertama kali dilakukan pada 23 Januari 1960 oleh Jacques Piccard dan Navy Lt. Don Walsh dengan menggunakan kapal selam mini bernama Trieste. Lama penyelaman sekitar 5 jam, dan hanya bisa bertahan 20 menit di dasar laut. Bentuk kapal selam mini Trieste adalah seperti bentuk kapal selam biasa yang dengan dasar horizontal. Penyelaman mencapai kedalaman 10 km di Mariana Trench. Bulan April 1963, Trieste kembali menyelam laut dalam di New England dengan kedalaman sekitar 2,56 km.
Berbeda dengan lainnya, James Cameron di tahun 2012 menggunakan kapal selam The Challenger Deep yang lebih dikenal sebagai The DeepSea Challanger Project dengan bentuk vertikal. Penyelaman ini dilakukan sendiri (solo-dive) dengan pendukung yang berada di atas kapal. Pencapaian kedalaman 11 kilometer itu ditempuh dalam waktu 2 jam, dan tetap berada di dasar laut selama beberapa jam sebelum kembali naik ke permukaan laut.
Penyelaman Laut Terdalam oleh The DeepSea Challanger Project
Penyelaman Laut Terdalam oleh Trieste
318 meter
Manusia Penyelam Terdalam (tanpa kapal selam) yang dicatat oleh Nuno Gomez tahun 2005 di Laut Merah
1006 meter
Cahaya-cahaya yang bermunculan dari mikroba, jellyfish, dan makhluk dasar laut lainnya
1524 meter
Kedalaman yang dapat dicapai oleh Gajah Laut dan bertahan selama sekitar 2 jam.
2499 meter
Kedalaman yang dapat dicapai oleh ikan Paus.
3800 meter
Kedalaman kapal Titanic tenggelam di New Foundland tahun 1912
4500 meter
Kapal selam mini pertama yang memuat manusia
4785 meter
Robert Ballack menemukan bangkai kapal Jerman : Bismarck di tahun 1989
5030 meter
Ditemukan jenis ikan Fangtooth
7000 meter
Kapal selam mini China : Jiaolong mencapai kedalaman ini
7700 meter
Snailfish sebagai salah satu makhluk dasar laut yang dapat difilmkan
9449 meter
Kedalaman yang dapat dicapai oleh kapal selam mini Trieste. Penyelaman dilakukan oleh 2 orang Jacques Piccard dan Navy Lt. Don Walsh.
10,898.4 meter
Kedalamn yang dapat dicapai oleh kapal selam DeepSea Challange. Penyelaman dilakukan secara solo oleh James Cameron.
Catatan :
Ada perbedaan pengukuran kedalaman pada penyelaman Trieste dan DeepSea Challanger.
Periode :
1800 - 1900
1807 : U.S. Coast Survey
President Thomas Jefferson signs a bill authorizing the United States Coast Survey.
1842 Coral Atolls Explained
Charles Darwin publishes a paper suggesting that coral atolls are the final stage in the subsidence and erosion of volcanic islands.
1857 Undersea Canyons
James Alden discovers the first known submarine valley, California's Monterey Canyon.
1868 Life in the Deep Sea
Charles Wyville Thomson, dredging from the H.M.S Lightning, finds sea life at 4,389 meters (14,400 feet), shattering previous theories that the sea was lifeless below 549 meters (1,800 feet).
1872 Early Marine Survey of the Americas
Naturalist Louis Agassiz steams from the U.S. East Coast to its West Coast around South America, collecting some 30,000 marine specimens.
1872-76 Marine Research and Oceanography
H.M.S. Challenger circles the globe conducting reseach for the Royal Society of London, laying the groundwork for modern oceanography.
1882 The First Oceanographic Research Vessel
The U.S. Fisheries Commission steamer Albatross begins operations—the first ship built to serve as an oceanographic research vessel.
1899-1905 Marine Survey of the South Pacific
Alexander Agassiz makes long research voyages to the South Pacific, collecting data and specimens from remote ocean regions.
Periode :
1900 - 1950
1912 The Sinking of the Titanic
The Titanic sinks after hitting an iceberg, killing 1,500 people. The tragedy led to efforts to develop an acoustic device to find objects ahead of a vessel.
1914 First Acoustic Exploration of the Seas
Reginald Fessenden uses an oscillator to bounce a signal simultaneously off an iceberg and the seafloor—first acoustic exploration of the seas.
1925 Studying the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
The German Meteor expedition surveys the South Atlantic with echo sounders, proving the continuity of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
1934 The Bathysphere
William Beebe is lowered in a tethered bathysphere to 923 meters (3,028 feet). He and partner Otis Barton pioneered manned exploration of the ocean.
1943 The Creation of the Aqua-Lung
Jacques Cousteau and Émile Gagnan modify a demand breathing regulator to engineer the Aqua-Lung—forever changing the course of human interaction with the sea.
Periode :
1950 - 1975
1954 An Untethered Submersible Dive
The French research submersible FNRS-3 descends to 4,041 meters (13,257 feet) off the coast of West Africa, piloted by Georges Houot and Pierre Willm, inaugurating use of manned, untethered, research submersibles.
1955 Discovery of Magnetic Striping on Ocean Floor
The U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey ship Pioneer, in a joint project with the U.S. Navy and the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, tows the first marine magnetometer and finds magnetic striping on the seafloor off the West Coast. The discovery adds a key element to the theory of plate tectonics.
1960 The Trieste Explores the Mariana Trench
The bathyscaphe Trieste dives to what was believed to be the deepest point in the Mariana Trench, recording a depth of 10,912 meters (35,800 feet). Exploring the same area in 1998, a Japanese research vessel measured a depth of 10,938 meters (35,886 feet).
1961 Development of the Deep Tow System
The Scripps Institution of Oceanography begins development of the Deep Tow System, the forerunner of all remotely operated unmanned oceanographic systems.
1965 An Underwater Lab
Sealab II, an underwater habitat, is lowered off the coast of California.
1970 Sylvia Earle Leads Women Aquanauts
Sylvia Earle leads the first team of women aquanauts during the Tektite Project and sets a record for solo diving to a depth of 1,000 meters.
Periode :
1975 - 2012
1977 Robert Ballard's Discovery of Hydrothermal Vents
Hydrothermal vents are discovered, along with an ecosystem that survives without the energy of the sun, by a team led by Robert Ballard. These ecosystems rely on biota absorbing chemical energy from the venting materials in a process called chemosynthesis.
1985 The Discovery of the Sunken Titanic
A research team lead by Robert Ballard discovers the Titanic more than 3,810 meters (12,500 feet) down, the most famous shipwreck in modern history.
1992 Creating Sea Surface Maps
TOPEX/Poseidon satellite begins mapping the surface of the sea.
1995 Creating Seafloor Maps
Declassification of GEOSAT radar altimetry data from a U.S. Navy Earth observation satellite leads to worldwide mapping of the seafloor.
2010 Cataloging the Biodiversity of the Ocean
The first ever Census of Marine Life catalogs the diversity, abundance, and distribution of marine species collected in an online database.
2012 First Successful Solo Dive to the Mariana Trench
National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence James Cameron successfully travels to the bottom of the deepest known point in the ocean, Challenger Deep, in the Mariana Trench on the DEEPSEA CHALLENGE expedition. DEEPSEA CHALLENGE is a joint scientific project by James Cameron, the National Geographic Society, and Rolex. This is the first time someone has traveled to this depth since 1960, when the Trieste made its descent, and the first time it has ever been done as a solo mission.
Sumber tulisan :
Lokasi dan kedalaman Mariana Trench pertama kali dipublikasikan oleh sebuah kapal peneliti oseanographi Inggris bernama H.M.S. Challenger di tahun 1875. Pertama H.M.S. Challenger mengukur kedalaman Mariana Trench dengan peralatan Sounding-Rope dengan ukuran sekitar 4,475 fathoms (sekitar 5 mil atau 8 kilometer).
Penelitian kedalaman Mariana Trench dilakukan ulang oleh penerus kapal pertama yaitu H.M.S. Challenger II. Pengukuran dilakukan pada tahun 1951 dan menghasilkan kedalaman Mariana Trench sekitar 7 mil atau sekitar 11 kilometer.
Mariana Trench berada dalam pengawasan pemerintah AS dan dijadikan sebuah monumen nasional (Marianas Trench Marine National Monument) berdasarkan ketetapan Presiden Amerika Serikat George W. Bush tahun 2009.
Penyelaman Laut Terdalam
Laut Penuh Misteri
Ada sekitar 20 orang yang telah mencapai ruang angkasa. Tetapi hanya ada 3 orang yang berhasil menyelam ke laut terdalam.
Penyelaman Laut Dalam pertama kali dilakukan pada 23 Januari 1960 oleh Jacques Piccard dan Navy Lt. Don Walsh dengan menggunakan kapal selam mini bernama Trieste. Lama penyelaman sekitar 5 jam, dan hanya bisa bertahan 20 menit di dasar laut. Bentuk kapal selam mini Trieste adalah seperti bentuk kapal selam biasa yang dengan dasar horizontal. Penyelaman mencapai kedalaman 10 km di Mariana Trench. Bulan April 1963, Trieste kembali menyelam laut dalam di New England dengan kedalaman sekitar 2,56 km.
Berbeda dengan lainnya, James Cameron di tahun 2012 menggunakan kapal selam The Challenger Deep yang lebih dikenal sebagai The DeepSea Challanger Project dengan bentuk vertikal. Penyelaman ini dilakukan sendiri (solo-dive) dengan pendukung yang berada di atas kapal. Pencapaian kedalaman 11 kilometer itu ditempuh dalam waktu 2 jam, dan tetap berada di dasar laut selama beberapa jam sebelum kembali naik ke permukaan laut.
Penyelaman Laut Terdalam oleh The DeepSea Challanger Project
James Cameron
Penyelaman Laut Terdalam oleh Trieste
Jacques Piccard dan Navy Lt. Don Walsh
Pencapaian Ke Kedalaman Laut
318 meter
Manusia Penyelam Terdalam (tanpa kapal selam) yang dicatat oleh Nuno Gomez tahun 2005 di Laut Merah
1006 meter
Cahaya-cahaya yang bermunculan dari mikroba, jellyfish, dan makhluk dasar laut lainnya
1524 meter
Kedalaman yang dapat dicapai oleh Gajah Laut dan bertahan selama sekitar 2 jam.
2499 meter
Kedalaman yang dapat dicapai oleh ikan Paus.
3800 meter
Kedalaman kapal Titanic tenggelam di New Foundland tahun 1912
4500 meter
Kapal selam mini pertama yang memuat manusia
4785 meter
Robert Ballack menemukan bangkai kapal Jerman : Bismarck di tahun 1989
5030 meter
Ditemukan jenis ikan Fangtooth
7000 meter
Kapal selam mini China : Jiaolong mencapai kedalaman ini
7700 meter
Snailfish sebagai salah satu makhluk dasar laut yang dapat difilmkan
9449 meter
Kedalaman yang dapat dicapai oleh kapal selam mini Trieste. Penyelaman dilakukan oleh 2 orang Jacques Piccard dan Navy Lt. Don Walsh.
10,898.4 meter
Kedalamn yang dapat dicapai oleh kapal selam DeepSea Challange. Penyelaman dilakukan secara solo oleh James Cameron.
Catatan :
Ada perbedaan pengukuran kedalaman pada penyelaman Trieste dan DeepSea Challanger.
Perjalanan Manusia ke Dasar Laut
Periode :
1800 - 1900
1807 : U.S. Coast Survey
President Thomas Jefferson signs a bill authorizing the United States Coast Survey.
1842 Coral Atolls Explained
Charles Darwin publishes a paper suggesting that coral atolls are the final stage in the subsidence and erosion of volcanic islands.
1857 Undersea Canyons
James Alden discovers the first known submarine valley, California's Monterey Canyon.
1868 Life in the Deep Sea
Charles Wyville Thomson, dredging from the H.M.S Lightning, finds sea life at 4,389 meters (14,400 feet), shattering previous theories that the sea was lifeless below 549 meters (1,800 feet).
1872 Early Marine Survey of the Americas
Naturalist Louis Agassiz steams from the U.S. East Coast to its West Coast around South America, collecting some 30,000 marine specimens.
1872-76 Marine Research and Oceanography
H.M.S. Challenger circles the globe conducting reseach for the Royal Society of London, laying the groundwork for modern oceanography.
1882 The First Oceanographic Research Vessel
The U.S. Fisheries Commission steamer Albatross begins operations—the first ship built to serve as an oceanographic research vessel.
1899-1905 Marine Survey of the South Pacific
Alexander Agassiz makes long research voyages to the South Pacific, collecting data and specimens from remote ocean regions.
Periode :
1900 - 1950
1912 The Sinking of the Titanic
The Titanic sinks after hitting an iceberg, killing 1,500 people. The tragedy led to efforts to develop an acoustic device to find objects ahead of a vessel.
1914 First Acoustic Exploration of the Seas
Reginald Fessenden uses an oscillator to bounce a signal simultaneously off an iceberg and the seafloor—first acoustic exploration of the seas.
1925 Studying the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
The German Meteor expedition surveys the South Atlantic with echo sounders, proving the continuity of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
1934 The Bathysphere
William Beebe is lowered in a tethered bathysphere to 923 meters (3,028 feet). He and partner Otis Barton pioneered manned exploration of the ocean.
1943 The Creation of the Aqua-Lung
Jacques Cousteau and Émile Gagnan modify a demand breathing regulator to engineer the Aqua-Lung—forever changing the course of human interaction with the sea.
Periode :
1950 - 1975
1954 An Untethered Submersible Dive
The French research submersible FNRS-3 descends to 4,041 meters (13,257 feet) off the coast of West Africa, piloted by Georges Houot and Pierre Willm, inaugurating use of manned, untethered, research submersibles.
1955 Discovery of Magnetic Striping on Ocean Floor
The U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey ship Pioneer, in a joint project with the U.S. Navy and the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, tows the first marine magnetometer and finds magnetic striping on the seafloor off the West Coast. The discovery adds a key element to the theory of plate tectonics.
1960 The Trieste Explores the Mariana Trench
The bathyscaphe Trieste dives to what was believed to be the deepest point in the Mariana Trench, recording a depth of 10,912 meters (35,800 feet). Exploring the same area in 1998, a Japanese research vessel measured a depth of 10,938 meters (35,886 feet).
1961 Development of the Deep Tow System
The Scripps Institution of Oceanography begins development of the Deep Tow System, the forerunner of all remotely operated unmanned oceanographic systems.
1965 An Underwater Lab
Sealab II, an underwater habitat, is lowered off the coast of California.
1970 Sylvia Earle Leads Women Aquanauts
Sylvia Earle leads the first team of women aquanauts during the Tektite Project and sets a record for solo diving to a depth of 1,000 meters.
Periode :
1975 - 2012
1977 Robert Ballard's Discovery of Hydrothermal Vents
Hydrothermal vents are discovered, along with an ecosystem that survives without the energy of the sun, by a team led by Robert Ballard. These ecosystems rely on biota absorbing chemical energy from the venting materials in a process called chemosynthesis.
1985 The Discovery of the Sunken Titanic
A research team lead by Robert Ballard discovers the Titanic more than 3,810 meters (12,500 feet) down, the most famous shipwreck in modern history.
1992 Creating Sea Surface Maps
TOPEX/Poseidon satellite begins mapping the surface of the sea.
1995 Creating Seafloor Maps
Declassification of GEOSAT radar altimetry data from a U.S. Navy Earth observation satellite leads to worldwide mapping of the seafloor.
2010 Cataloging the Biodiversity of the Ocean
The first ever Census of Marine Life catalogs the diversity, abundance, and distribution of marine species collected in an online database.
2012 First Successful Solo Dive to the Mariana Trench
National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence James Cameron successfully travels to the bottom of the deepest known point in the ocean, Challenger Deep, in the Mariana Trench on the DEEPSEA CHALLENGE expedition. DEEPSEA CHALLENGE is a joint scientific project by James Cameron, the National Geographic Society, and Rolex. This is the first time someone has traveled to this depth since 1960, when the Trieste made its descent, and the first time it has ever been done as a solo mission.
Sumber tulisan :